Travel News
Travel Tip: New Security Measures for Flights to the United States
Do you like to travel overseas?
If you have a passport, leaving the country is easy.
But what many travelers don’t realize is that coming back could be more difficult than they might think.
Under current regulations, U.S. citizens can be asked to discuss their travels in detail.
This includes what they did, and who they spoke to.
You’re not protected under the Fourth Amendment when you return home.
Translation: what might be considered unreasonable search and seizure outside the airport is perfectly legal at the U.S. border.
Customs officers can demand your password, go through your computer, and check your email.
This also applies to your smartphones—and those searches are growing.
In 2015, there were more than 8,000 searches.
By the end of this year, the number of searches will exceed 30,000.
While there are currently lawsuits against the Department of Homeland Security claiming that these searches were done without proper warrants, the practice still continues.
For more information about security and customs at airports, check out:
- New Rules for Driver’s Licenses at Airports
- Airlines Explore Biometric Programs & Facial Recognition
- The Best & Worst International Airports
Keep reading for more travel tips.