Travel Tips

Travel Tip: One Thing to Consider Before Taking a Family Vacation

Thinking of taking a family vacation?

Before you all jump in the car or take that flight, consider this.

A new research study reveals a somewhat shocking statistic.

Children were asked about their parents’ behavior on vacation, and 42 percent of them reported they felt ignored by mom and dad on holiday.

The culprit? Mobile phones.

It’s not just the kids staring for hours at their cell phones, it’s the parents as well.

The message here?

The next time you take that family trip, it might be a good idea to impose a new, and perhaps disruptive rule: make at least one day a cell phone-free experience.

You might not only see the world around you, you might actually be able to do something unusual—have meaningful conversations with your kids. Even more important, they can converse with you as well.

If travel is defined as an experience meant to be shared, then at least one day without cell phones might just bring vacationing families together.

For more information about family travel, check out: 

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