Travel Tips

Travel Tip: Avoid These Hidden Outdoor Dangers

Mosquitoes can carry dengue feverWhether you’re camping, glamping, or just going for an afternoon hike, there are hidden outdoor dangers you need to be aware of.

Summer is tick season, and it only takes one to transmit a serious disease.

Think long pants and sleeves, and insect repellent that contains 20 to 30 percent DEET. Don’t just cover exposed skin, but your clothing as well.

That will also help protect against mosquito bites. But if you’d rather avoid chemicals, try lavender oil or pure citronella oil.

Unpredictable weather is another risk factor. Follow the Boy Scouts’ rule of thumb and dress in one layer warmer than you think you need.

Also, did you ever think cotton could hurt you? If it gets wet, it can lead to hypothermia…fast. Stick with quick-drying fabrics like wool or fleece.

Always keep a small medical kit: Band-Aids, surgical tape, alcohol wipes, and a pair of tweezers should be in every kit. Over-the-counter meds should include anti-diarrheals, hydrocortisone, antihistamines, and painkillers.

The SAS Survival Guide is known as the definitive guide to surviving any outdoor environment or situation….and of course, they’ve made an app for that.

For more information, visit the Health & Fitness archives.

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