Travel Tips

Travel Gadgets to Upgrade Computers, Tablets and Smartphones

Locations in this article:  San Francisco, CA


The Gumstick is a piece of steel and polypropylene that looks exactly like a stick of gum, but it’s a smartphone stand. It can be bent various ways to support any type of phone, from Androids to iPhones, to everything in between. Since it’s not made with just one brand in mind, it’s a perfect gift for anyone. It should also last you through several phones, and doesn’t need to be tossed if you switch brands. The Gumstick is made by Breffo, and is currently sold through their Kickstarter campaign. Starting at $15, you can get one with free shipping to the UK and US, and for $23 they’ll even etch your name into it. But if you want one, act fast: the Kickstarter campaign ends on November 6, 2013.
