Travel Tips
Travel Tip: Talking Spring Break
Parents, listen up. While your kids may not want to hear it, there are some important tips to share with them before they head out for spring break.
For starters, have the conversation before they go. You don’t want to put them on the defensive, but you do want to encourage open communication about where they’re going and with whom.
I don’t care what age or what gender your kids are, I recommend staying in a group or setting up a buddy system, especially when going out at night.
While you can’t monitor your kids 24/7, you can get a copy of their itinerary and set up a check-in schedule. Make sure you know how to reach the hotel in case of emergency.
Be sure your kids have necessary contacts in their destination, including the phone number and address of the hotel and the number for a local taxi service.
If they’re going abroad, look into cell phone options. Give them the contact information for the U.S. Embassy and have them enroll in the government’s Smart Traveller Enrollment Program so they can be reached case of a major emergency.
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