How to Find On-Time Trains in America

Locations in this article:  Chicago, IL

Traveling by train can be cheaper and more comfortable than flying, but not necessarily the most efficient. Here’s how you can find out which trains will get you there on time.

Amtrak and delays tend to go hand-in-hand.

That’s because Amtrak doesn’t own the tracks that it runs on— so your passenger train has to pull aside while a hundred-car freight train lumbers by.

But, you can check historical on-time performances on, so you know what you’re getting into when you opt for American train travel.

The most delayed train in America is the Missouri Routes between Chicago and Kansas City, which has a 19.1 percent on-time rate.

A close second is the Texas Eagle, which has an on-time rate of 21.9 percent.

You’re better off choosing Amtrak when you’re traveling the east coast.

The Acela Express, which runs from Boston to Washington, DC at speeds up to 150 MPH, has an 83.4 percent on-time rate.

Trust me, if we have a race with me on the train and you on a plane, bus or car, I’ll win almost every time.

Smaller, shorter routes also tend to have better on-time rates since there’s usually less freight competition.

The Hiawatha Line from Milwaukee to Chicago has a solid 86.9% on-time rate over the past year, while the California Zephyr running from Chicago to California barely manages a 27% on-time percentage.

For more on trains, check out Great North American Train Trips.
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