Launched in January 2007, is a constantly updated source for the latest in travel news, analysis and information. Led by travel guru Peter Greenberg, we strive to provide independent, reliable and credible travel news you can use.
Our editorial team is responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the content posted on this site. All information is accurate when published, but please verify details with the companies, destinations, and/or organizations involved before planning your trip. is not responsible for the content of any external links.
Publisher/CEO: Peter Greenberg
Manager, Operations & Administration: Loretta Copeland
Director of Production: Seth Goldman
Senior Radio Producer: Darra Stone
Content Editor & Social Media Strategist: Stephanie Ervin
Finance Manager: Andrea Pennywell
Honors/Awards: Best Travel Guide, BlogRank Top Travel Blogs, Top 5 Travel Blogs, Top 50 Travel Blogs, Can’t Miss Travel Blogs