Eye on Travel

Eye on Travel — Turks and Caicos — October 23, 2021

This week, Eye on Travel comes from the Beach Enclave in Long Bay in Turks and Caicos. We’ll update on the latest in the explosive labor union fights at both Southwest and American Airlines over vaccine mandates and ultimatums, the coming crisis at the TSA, and why airfares are now rising at the rate of 3%….per day. But there’s some good news as well. Joining Peter is Premier of Turks and Caicos, Washington Misick, who discusses the challenges of his country — one of the most tourism-dependent destinations in the world. And the country’s history with COVID-19 — why it totally shut down, its stringent vaccination requirements and how it just had a record breaking summer for tourism. Then, Peter is joined by the author of one of his favorite books — Atlas Obscura — Dylan Thuras, who is out with a new book — Gastro Obscura — a new bible for global foodies. There’s all this and more as Eye on Travel broadcasts from the Beach Enclave in Long Bay in Turks and Caicos.