Eye on Travel
Eye on Travel — Disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 — 8 Years Later
March 12, 2022
This week’s broadcast of Eye on Travel is a special edition, reporting on the continuing investigation, on the 8th anniversary of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Peter talks with accident investigators, pilots and the reporters still covering the story. Pilots Patrick Smith (Cockpit Confidential and askthepilot.com) and Captain Greg Morris discuss how likely it is for a commercial plane to simply disappear and what could have happened in the cockpit that night? Also, there’s the possibility that this was a pilot suicide. David Soucie, CNN Aviation Specialist and author of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Why It Disappeared? and Why It’s Only a Matter of Time Before This Happens Again, talks about how the investigation into Malaysian Flight 370 differed from other aviation accidents. Christine Negroni, Author of The Crash Detectives: Investigating the World’s Most Mysterious Air Disasters, shares her theory of how a series of mistakes leads to disaster. And Florence de Changy, Author of The Disappearing Act, explains why she thinks one of the greatest aviation mysteries of all time isn’t a mystery at all. And Peter shares his theories (there are two) as well. There’s all this and more on this week’s Eye on Travel.