Eye on Travel
Eye on Travel — New York — March 20, 2021

This week’s broadcast of Eye on Travel comes from New York. Some locations are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel of the COVID-19 pandemic. While some may be opening, like Greece, others, like Italy, are back in lockdown. Joining me this week is Arnie Weissmann, Editor-in-Chief at Travel Weekly, who expands on the lack of quarantine restriction enforcements at airports and the latest on “vaccine passports.” Maureen O’Hare, Senior Producer at CNN Digital, has an update on the situation in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland, and a report on the number of Americans trying to obtain a second passport. And Airline Pilot Greg Morris on who is following CDC COVID-19 guidelines in the cockpit and how not all airlines see the guidelines or enforce them in the same way. All this and more on this week’s Eye on Travel.
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Have a travel question? Then ask Peter. E-mail him at peter@petergreenberg.com, or tweet your questions to @petersgreenberg (include #AskPeter).
Arnie Weissmann, Editor-in-Chief at Travel Weekly, expands on the reality of the lack of quarantine restriction enforcements at airports and what is on the technology horizon in terms of COVID-19 tests and “vaccine passports.” Arnie argues this is the future and maybe not just in the short-term. Even though the technology is moving very quickly, who is controlling the data that is being stored and potentially sold? Then, Arnie shares the true definition of hospitality on the path forged by both Bill Marriott and Arne Sorenson.
Maureen O’Hare, Senior Producer at CNN Digital, gives us some insight into what’s happening across the pond, both in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland. Then, she shares more on vaccinations and travel requirements and what you need to know when it’s time to get back out there and travel. Maureen and Peter also chat about passports as more and more Americans are opting for getting a second passport. The trend is now that the super rich are now “purchasing” a second passport via large off-shore investments abroad. And what about domestic travel? There’s a boom in local travel in the U.K. as well but where they’re allowed to “join the party” is to be seen.
Michelle Baran, Travel News Editor at AFAR.com, joins Peter in discussing the process of arriving in a foriegn country and the future of a vaccination passport. Will it be mandatory? Will it be ethical? People have a lot of questions and countries around the world are still trying to figure out the logistics of it all. And once you’ve had the vaccine and are ready to get back out there and travel, are there countries out there that will replace the COVID-19 testing and quarantine requirement with proof of vaccination instead? And what will happen in terms of travel restriction reciprocity between countries? Michelle argues that travelers shouldn’t count on travel restrictions changing and instead to start planning fun trips that you can actually go on right now. There’s a lot to see in our own backyard.
Greg Morris, Commercial Airline Pilot, speaks about following CDC guidelines as a pilot and how not all airlines see the guidelines in the same way. So he investigated with the big four airlines and came back with some surprising conclusions regarding the mask mandate for pilots. And how are the airlines backing up these exceptions to the mask-wearing rules? Greg shares the reality of being up in the air as a pilot, because he says, pilots are not always wearing a mask.
Don George, Author of Wanderlust in the Time of Coronavirus, chats about his new book surrounding rediscovering his love for travel during the pandemic. Being stuck in one place has allowed many people to fall in love with their own cities again and giving yourself the opportunity may be just as fun as traveling abroad, which is what Don discovered when walking around his neighborhood in San Francisco. And where’s his new favorite place? That’s Muir Woods National Monument in California’s Golden Gate National Recreation Area. It’s a place that people from all over the world come to and that he was finally able to explore. George also argues that traveling is an act of pilgrimage and shares his plans for practicing mindfulness and consciousness when he does get back on the road. Click on the link to get Don’s e-book!
Geoffrey Weill, Author of All Abroad: A Memoir of Travel and Obsession, speaks about the meaning behind his new book, his love for traveling and where his travels took him during the pandemic. He definitely got in and around Europe and beyond. The world is no less wonderful now than it’s always been. He says that these trips have enabled him to keep his travel addiction alive. Then, he’ll have a look into what the “Golden Age of Travel” actually is, and is it still around today?
Natalie B. Compton, Travel Reporter at The Washington Post, shares that despite the pandemic, there have been people traveling throughout its entirety. She explains how the numbers are climbing but it’ll probably take a few years before we match travel numbers from previous years. Natalie then dives into which airlines keep adding new routes, ticket change fees, why basic economy isn’t always in your best interest and the ridiculously low fares that are out there in the airline ticket universe. The rates are surprising! And when travel does come back – where will it come back first? Natalie argues her domestic travel case and why it makes sense from a financial and logistics perspective, too.