The Essentials

Interesting Coins from Around the World

We all know Abraham Lincoln is on the penny, Thomas Jefferson is on the nickel, and George Washington is on the quarter.

But in a number of countries around the world, their Departments of Treasuries have had some more creative designs in mind for their currencies.

In Niue, an island country in the South Pacific Ocean, you could find Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Darth Vader and Pikachu on some of their coins — all legal tender.

And in Somalia, some coins not only come in the shape of a pyramid, sphere, or cylinder, but also a guitar, motorcycle, or wild animal.

And in the African nation of Benin, you’ll find a different kind of green money… it’s a coin featuring a marijuana leaf, and get this, when rubbed, I’ve been told it releases a certain… aroma…talk about collector items.