The Essentials

Can Americans Travel to Cuba?

Last June, President Trump’s administration announced new, more restrictive measures for travel to Cuba.


Those rules suddenly barred Americans from visiting the island by cruise ship or under the “People to People” visa.


Then in October, the rules tightened again, and President Trump eliminated commercial air service to most Cuban airports except Havana. So, does this mean you can’t travel to Cuba? That’s not necessarily true.


Even though the current administration has reinstated many of the restrictions that the Obama administration lifted in 2016, there are still 12 approved categories of authorized travel, including educational travel and religious missions. A number of U.S. companies still offer the trips under these umbrellas.


But the trips offered have much more rigid itineraries, which means you won’t have a lot of free time and may not be spending too much time drinking mojitos at the bar. Just abide by the rules, and you can still get there from here.