Eye on Travel

Eye on Travel – Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center in Aurora, Colorado–February 23, 2019

Locations in this article:  Denver, CO

This week’s Eye on Travel comes from the brand new Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center in Aurora, Colorado. The resort celebrates its grand opening a week from today, and is part of the growing Marriott family in Colorado, including the Ritz Carlton and the iconic Brown Palace. Joining Peter, President & CEO of U.S. Travel Association, Roger Dow, on how the government shutdown affected the travel industry and how the shutdown also ended in large part because of the travel industry. Brian Hostetler, from the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, on the true definition of an interactive, hands-on museum.  Aviation industry expert Mike Boyd, outlines how more competition between airlines is leading to better prices, and how we may soon see nonstop transatlantic flights from secondary U.S. cities, such as Syracuse and Tucson. All  this and more as this week’s episode of Eye on Travel broadcasts from Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center in Aurora, Colorado.

Have a travel question? Then ask Peter. E-mail him at peter@petergreenberg.com, or tweet your questions to @petersgreenberg (include #AskPeter).
