Travel Tips

Travel Tip: Why ATM Fees Should be Included in Your Travel Budget

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons User Emmaliveai

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons User Emmaliveai

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons User Emmaliveai

There are about a dozen costs associated with just about every trip you might take, and most of us are either not aware of them or forget to account for them in our budget.

These include everything from incidental expenses like toothpaste or extra batteries, and those costs add up quickly.

Another expense that many of you wouldn’t think about—until it’s too late and you have no choice—is exchanging money (or getting money on the road), whether you’re in the U.S. or overseas.

Consider this: the average fee charged by banks for using an out of network ATM is now a record price of $4.57.

That average fee has increased every year in the last decade and shows no signs of going anywhere but up.

So how do you avoid this?

A number of banks and financial institutions now offer ATM or debit cards that either don’t charge you for using someone else’s ATM network or will rebate those charges.

Check with your bank before you leave home, and considering that many of you will hit an ATM at least three times when you travel, you’ll be saving a lot of money each year.

For more information about travel and finances, check out:

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