Travel Tips

Travel Tip: How to Listen to Podcasts While You Travel

audible_logo_1For anyone who spends a lot of time driving or flying, listening to podcasts can be a lifesaver. After all, it’s a great way to get information without any eyestrain.

So how does it work when you’re on the road?

There are a few options. One is basic podcast listening straight from a website, which means it’s streaming. Of course, that uses bandwidth, and without Wi-Fi or a network connection, it’s not an option.

The better alternative is to download the podcast to your smartphone or tablet.

iTunes is always a good place to start, and if you subscribe to a podcast, it’ll automatically pull it down for you when a new episode appears.

Apple devices come with a built-in app called…Podcasts. Search for a broadcast and download it from there.

Stitcher has a great app that plays podcasts and radio shows, and you can customize your own playlist., which is better known for audiobooks, also has a fair amount of podcasts in its library that are available for download.

For more information, visit the Apps & Technology Archives.

Keep reading for more travel tips.

Don’t forget to check out Peter Greenberg’s Travel Today Podcast. It’s free!