Eye on Travel

Radio Guest List—InterContinental Marseille-Hôtel Dieu—December 27, 2014

Locations in this article:  Paris, France

marseilleThis week, Peter Greenberg Worldwide broadcasts from the InterContinental Marseille-Hôtel Dieu. Marseille is the second most-populated city in France—second to the capital, Paris—and is the third-largest French city in terms of square footage. It is France’s oldest city and has been one of the country’s most important ports since it was founded 2,600 years ago. It’s no wonder that the InterContinental Marseille-Hôtel Dieu is rich with history, despite the fact that the hotel itself has only officially been open for a little over a year.

The building opened in 1188 as the Esprit hospital for the care of sick people and abandoned children. In 2006, the hospital closed, during which time the building was renovated and converted into a hotel. Renovators paid very special attention to the architecture and facade of the building, because the building is listed as a historic monument.

Guests this week include Lionel Levy, Executive Chef at the InterContinental Marseille-Hôtel Dieu, who tells us what he’s doing to “shake up” Marseille’s most famous dish; Regis Guerbois, president and co-founder of the 5 Continents Jazz Festival, who explains the important role that jazz has played in Marseille, and how the jazz festival that he co-founded is keeping this tradition alive; and Audrey Berr, head concierge at the InterContinental Marseille-Hôtel Dieu, who details how Marseille’s history is influencing it’s future. Hear all of this and more, when Peter Greenberg Worldwide broadcasts from the InterContinental Marseille-Hôtel Dieu.

Click here to listen to the show, streaming live from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. ET on Saturday, December 27, 2014.

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Joe Sharkey of The New York Times explains why recent airline mergers border on extortion and describes how TSA PreCheck has gotten out of control.

Madelijin Vervoord, General Manager of the InterContinental Marseille-Hôtel Dieu, tells us the origin of the name “Hôtel Dieu” and gives a history lesson about the hotel.

Paul Price, Chief Executive Officer of Creative Realities, delves into the rise of technology in all spaces of our lives.

Arnaud Pellegrin, owner of Pellegrin & Fils, describes Marseille as a “sleeping beauty” and explains why the oldest city in France has a lot of stories to tell.

Tashina Giraud Moore, sustainable development manager at Kedge Business School, board member of Calanques National Park, and an “expat who’s never really been from anywhere,” describes what’s special about the Calanques National Park and lets us in on a secret for the best neighborhoods in Marseille (hint: get ready to travel by boat)!

Audrey Berr, head concierge at the InterContinental Marseille-Hôtel Dieu, explains why the harbor-located cannons point toward the city instead of toward the sea. We also learn about Marseille’s wild past.

Bob Stuart, Executive Vice President of Global Sales & Marketing of Hertz, shares crazy rental car stories and details advances in rental car technology.

Bruno Goimier, director of communications for Pernod, demystifies “pastis” and gives us some tips for drinking pastis properly.

Regis Guerbois, president and co-founder of the 5 Continents Jazz Festival, explains the important role that jazz has played in Marseille and gives us a run down of who’s been playing the 5 Continents Jazz Festival (it’s a truly international festival).

Lionel Levy, executive chef at InterContinental Marseille-Hôtel Dieu, shares some of the things he’s learned by working with Alain Ducasse (good lessons for us all) and describes how he’s giving traditional favorites a modern twist.

Cedric Dufoix, general secretary at the Olympic de Marseille, describes changes in Marseille and explains how sports and the harbor recovery have prompted these changes.

By Jessie Marek for PeterGreenberg.com