Travel News

Travel Tip: Fighter For A Day

Locations in this article:  Rome, Italy

Travel Tip: Fighter For A Day

If you’ve ever wanted to be a professional fighter, there are some experiences
that offer a cruelty-free twist on some classic activities.  

I just can’t promise that you’ll walk away without a few bumps and bruises!

In Warwickshire, England, a medieval jousting experience involves the actual
experience on a horse using a lance, shield and a flag. In fact, they’ll provide
everything but the dragon.

Once you’ve honed your jousting skills, you can show off in full costume in a
tournament against other warriors–er, participants.

If bullfighting sounds too violent, don’t worry, there’s a bloodless version at
the Dennis C. Borba Bullfighting School in California.

Located in the Central Valley, the three-day course teaches the art behind the
process. Bullfighters in training will actually mark the conquest with Velcro
rather than a steel blade.

In Italy, a heritage group called Gruppo Storico Romano runs a full-on Roman
Gladiator program.

That’s right, less than 2 miles from the Colosseum, you get to spend a day as a

Guests at the Rome Cavalieri hotel can take advantage of this program, or you
can book it through a third-party service like

And if that gets you going, you can actually sign up for a two-month course.
Then your friends will really think you’re crazy!

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