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Rapper Calls Romney the Instigator in Airplane Altercation

Sky Blu of LMFAOEarlier this week we reported that a man was thrown off a plane for allegedly taking a swing at Mitt Romney.

Well, it turns out that the man in question was Sky Blu of the Grammy-nominated rap group LMFAO, and now he’s giving his side of the story.

Blu claims that it was actually Romney who struck first. Keep reading to hear more of Blu’s colorful account.

According to Blu, the former presidential candidate angrily told him to move his seat up, then grabbed him and put him in a “Vulcan grip.”

At that point, Blu says he shrugged Romney off in self-defense, protecting himself from a potential assault.

Previously: Plane Delayed as Mitt Romney Attacked Over Upright Seats

In the heat of combat, Blu admits that he may have hurled some choice four-letter words Romney’s way.

Mitt Romney attacked on planeEven though officers didn’t buy his side of the story, the rapper is sticking to his guns, insisting that it was Romney who got physical first.

In a statement earlier this week, Romney’s spokesperson made no specific mention of whether or not the former governor made any physical contact with the man in question when he asked him to put his seat up. But he did say that Romney did not get involved and allowed the flight crew to handle the incident.

The situation has now devolved into a bizarre “he-said, he-said.” On one hand it would seem that Romney has more to lose, but Blu may actually stand to gain some anti-establishment cred for standing his ground against a stuffy politician.

Which side of the story are you more apt to believe? Romney’s, or Sky Blu’s? Leave us some comments below.

By Dan Bence for

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