Travel Tips

The Truth About Pet-Sitters

If you need to leave your four-legged friend behind when you travel, be aware that there are risks to finding a qualified pet sitter.

Here’s how you can keep your pet safe while you’re on the road.

Throughout the pet care industry, pet sitting has become one of the fastest growing home businesses in America.

Be aware that many pet sitters aren’t qualified for the job they’re promising.

Make sure your pet sitter is trained by one of the national pet sitting organizations, such as the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters.

When hiring a pet sitter, they recommend that you develop a list of questions, ask for references, and request proof of bonding and liability insurance.

Also make sure he or she gets along well with your pet!

Notify the sitter about your pet’s routines for eating, sleeping, walking and playing, and if your pet has any health problems, or even special hiding places.

If you’ve got a pet you’d like to travel with, check out the Travel Lifestyles section for more information. And don’t forget our search bar up there to the left of the PGW logo.

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