Travel Tips

All You Can Eat Experiences

Locations in this article:  Tokyo, Japan

If you’re looking for an experience you—and your stomach—are unlikely to forget, try one of these stops for all you can eat of some pretty unusual foods.

At Dodgers Stadium in LA, the new All You Can Eat Pavilion promises three hours of all-you-can-eat Dodger dogs, peanuts, nachos and other ballpark fare, for $35—and the price includes your seat in right field.

In Japan, a new trend called “dagashi” bars offers adults the opportunity to relive the kid-in-a-candy-store experience. In the dagashi bar in the Ebisu neighborhood of Tokyo, the walls are lined with colorful glass jars of Japanese childhood favorites from chewy soybean candy to pickled squid on a stick.

And in Rhode Island, the Nordic Lodge offers all-you-can-eat dishes that might please even high-brow diners with dishes like lobster, filet mignon, and chicken cordon bleu.

Or you can visit Pickwick Catfish Farm in Tennessee, Thursday through Sunday when there’s all-you-can-eat catfish with hush puppies.

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