Travel News

Election 2012 Travel: Mitt Romney’s Campaign Hotels

image credit: Wikimedia, Gage Skidmore

Are you excited for the presidential debate tonight? We’re gearing up to fact check the candidates and we’re doing a little research on their policies and travels. Alex Francis reports on Mitt Romney’s campaign hotels. And check back next week before the final debate for the Obama update.

Wading through Federal Election Committee documents and campaign finance reports for more time than I care to admit has taught me one thing: Presidential candidates spend a lot of money on a lot of things. The Mitt Romney campaign spent $233,130.21 on office supplies alone between March and August of this year, but that’s beside the point.

As presumptive presidential candidates parade themselves all around the country for the better part of the election year, an understandably significant amount of money must be spent on travel—but from chartered jets to car rentals, no expense seems to be spared on the campaign trail. So exactly how much of the  233,379,640.90 that Senator Mitt Romney has spent thus far has gone toward hotel fees and airfare?

Here’s what his campaign finance reports have to say:

Total lodging March-August: $1,338,529.86
Total air March-August: $7,557,518.39

With itemized reports of Mitt Romney’s January and February 2012 receipts and disbursements publicly available, we can not only see the total amount spent on hotels, but also where he stayed. Let’s see just how much Govenor Romney is stimulating the economy with his hotel bills…
