The groundbreaking series produced and hosted by Peter Greenberg, showcases nations in a way no visitor has ever seen them before.
Guided by some of the most dynamic and powerful Heads-of-State, Greenberg journeys deep inside each country to offer viewers access to extraordinary locations, historic landmarks and cultural experiences.
For five consecutive days, each destination’s leader personally becomes the ultimate tour guide, motorcycling through desert terrain, rappelling ice mountains, diving to coastal reefs, and opening doors of sacred temples to share the inside stories of some of the world’s great iconic monuments.
Leaving department of tourism officials far behind, each tour illuminates, educates and entertains, and opens the eyes of the world to previously unseen wonders with rare footage of private spaces and places, along with personal commentary from the Heads-of-State.
The next television special in this series is Mexico: The Royal Tour with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, which will have its premiere on Sept. 22, 2011.
To learn more about these one-of-a-kind television events known as The Royal Tour series, please see our Royal Tour Web site: