Bed bugs have been big news lately, and for good reason.
They’re creepy, they’re crawly, and when a hotel guest encounters them, they make their voice heard, loud and clear. But guess what?
Bed bugs aren’t just affecting hotels, so here’s what you need to know.
Many in the industry saw this infestation coming several years ago.
After DDT was banned in the U.S in 1970s, and as pesticide use has evolved, bed bugs have been making a comeback in a big way.
Travelers from abroad bring them into major cities, and that makes hotels a hotspot, particularly in New York City. But hotels aren’t the only target.
Bed bugs are hardy creatures: they can live for a year or more without feeding on blood, and can withstand temperatures from nearly freezing to almost 113 degrees.
They’re now appearing in movie theaters, office buildings, and retail stores.
Which means you, the traveler, can pick them up and bring them back to your hotel, or worse, your home.
The best precaution at this point is basic vigilance. Keep an eye on the BedBugRegistry.com for user-generated posts on where they’ve appeared.
If you find bites or marks on your skin, inspect all of your belongings thoroughly.
And if you think you’ve encountered bed bugs, report it.
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