Travel Tips

Travel Tip: New Regulations About Drones

flying eye

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons User Flying Eye

Are drones really the next big thing in travel tech?

No, I’m not talking about anti-terrorist airstrikes. I’m talking about flying devices that people are using for fun.

Drones are basically tiny, remote-controlled flying devices that can be equipped with a camera.

Hobbyists use them to film video from a birds-eye view, but the government is cracking down.

Drones are banned inside national parks, including Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Zion. The argument is that it’s a “new recreational activity” which needs to be analyzed before it’s approved.

One of the main concerns is that it could harass the wildlife or be a safety hazard.

Right now, the FAA is still working on its mandates, especially in terms of privacy and airspace safety.

But the government agency has just approved the first commercial drone over U.S. land. So expect to see more in this realm.

If you’re just looking for some cool images, check out the website Just click on a location on a Google Map, and it’ll bring up aerial footage shot by flying drones. It’s not all beautiful, but it is 100 percent real.

For more information, visit the Travel Gadgets Archives.

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