The Essentials

Most Expensive Zip Codes

As housing prices have increased in the last 12 months in many different locations around the U.S. — and as more people are moving their permanent residency during the pandemic — one way to check on what things will really cost is by zip code.

One real estate data provider did the work and discovered that the 94037 zip code has the most expensive homes.

That’s Atherton, California with a median sale price of $7.5 million.

In second place, try 02199. Houses in that zip code — Boston’s Back Bay — had a median sale price of $5.5 million.

Third place  goes to 11962 — Sagaponack, New York. And it’s followed by 94957 — Ross, California.

And in fifth place is 33109. That’s Fisher Island in Miami Beach, where the median sale prices hover around $4.5 million.