Eye on Travel

Eye on Travel — New York — September 19, 2020

Locations in this article:  New York City, NY

On this week’s broadcast of Eye on Travel, an update on more parked planes, more scrapped cruise ships, and more closed hotels; the attempted relaunch of the Boeing 737 Max, and the attempted reopening of Hawaii. Jon Ostrower, Editor-in-Chief of The Air Current, with a report on the disappearance of business travel and the triage in the airline business, and a disturbing Congressional report on the FAA, Boeing and how planes are certified as airworthy. Travel Weekly Editor-in-Chief Arnie Weissmann on the real reasons behind major U.S. airlines eliminating the dreaded ticket change fees. And at least one cruise line is sailing with passengers: we’ll talk with the President of MSC Cruises about the Grandiosa’s fifth Mediterranean sailing — what’s been changed and lessons learned. Plus, during these extraordinary times, a perfect opportunity for perspective: Peter speaks with author Helen Small on her new book: The Function of Cynicism at the Present Time. There’s all this and more on this week’s broadcast of Eye on Travel.

Have a travel question? Then ask Peter. E-mail him at peter@petergreenberg.com, or tweet your questions to @petersgreenberg (include #AskPeter).