Travel Tips

Travel Tip: How Can You Tell if a Hotel is Actually Eco-Friendly?

sky-exteriorJust about every hotel takes a public position that it is green, and in many cases it even claims it’s sustainable.

But more often than not, it comes down to the questions guests ask to determine if the hotel is really doing the right thing.

Is the hotel using solar panels?

Does it have a rooftop garden?

Are there in-room recycling bins?

At island resorts, is the pool freshwater or saltwater?

Does the hotel put reflective film on its windows?

Doing so can cut energy use by 25 percent.

What is the hotel doing with the used soap that guests leave behind? That’s also important.

Last but not least, always check for third party certification, such as the U.S. Department of Energy star rating or LEED certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.

For more information about eco-friendly travel, check out:

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