Travel Tips

Travel Tip: Avoiding Heat-Related Illnesses

We’ve heard some terrible stories of natural disasters lately, but here’s something you didn’t know…

Historically, excessive heat has killed more Americans than hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes combined.

That risk goes up dramatically with infants, children and the elderly. So before you head out on your family summer vacation, here’s what you need to know…

Even just two hours a day in air-conditioning decreases the risk of heat-related illness. Instead of planning a full-day’s outing, schedule several breaks, even if it simply means cooling off in a restaurant, mall or museum.

National Weather Service advisories are broadcast when the heat index is between 105 and 110 degrees for up to three hours. But less extreme temperature can cause harm, so pay attention to local media reports.

Of course, common sense is a huge factor here.

Wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing that covers as much skin as possible.

Eat several small meals instead of three large ones, and avoid drinks with alcohol and caffeine.

Low-sugar sports beverages are good sources of salt and minerals, but don’t overdo it.

Stay healthy on the road with our Travel Health & Fitness section.

And check out the rest of our Daily Travel Tips here.