Travel Tips

Taxi Cab Tips, Customs, and Scams

Locations in this article:  Las Vegas, NV London, England

If you know you are going to take taxicabs at your destinations, be smart and safe about by staying informed about local customs and potential scams.

For example, in London you can always hail a classic black cab on the street with no problem, but you may also see mini-cabs roaming the streets. Try to avoid them.

These unofficial cabs are only supposed to pick up passengers who’ve made a previous reservation. They’re also not metered, so if you do take one, negotiate the rate in advance.

In cities where the airport is only a few miles away from the city center, don’t ever let the driver take you on the scenic route.

For example, if you ride from the airport in Las Vegas to the Strip and it takes you more than 15 minutes or costs you more than $15 you’re being scammed.

And, in developing countries like in Thailand, the car may have a meter but that’s only ornamental.

The best way to do it is to negotiate with the driver before getting into the cab.

Whatever he is asking, offer one-fourth of that amount, then settle on a third, and only then get in the cab.

Learn more in our Travel Safety & Security section.

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