Travel Tips

Sleeping on Planes

The airplane may not be first on your list of most comfortable sleeping places.

Believe it or not, there are some unusual, but natural, ways to help you sleep better on airplanes.

A banana can help you get to sleep–it has melatonin, and serotonin, which act as sleep aids, and magnesium, which acts as a muscle relaxant.

Almonds contain tryptophan, which induces serotonin production.

If you’re having tea, drizzle honey in it–the glucose turns off your brain’s orexin, a neurotransmitter linked to alertness.

Listening to relaxing songs on your iPod or music player is also effective–studies show that music can maintain normal blood pressure and circulation.

Avoid alcohol–it may seem to relax you, but it also dehydrates, which can interrupt sleep.

And the best time to try and get to sleep is actually upon take-off; a drop in oxygen and g-forces make for drowsy conditions.

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