Travel Tips

Travel Tip: How Do You Choose a Hotel Brand?

20160715_121228When you make a hotel reservation, how do you shop for that hotel room?

Do you search by brand, or do you search by price?

Will you book a Hilton, Sheraton, or Marriott because of brand loyalty? Or are you searching for the least expensive room rate?

A new survey by J.D. Power reveals that brand loyalty may actually have a direct link to how satisfied you are with your room choice.

There is a strong relationship between your perception of how well the hotel brand delivers on its promises and your level of happiness.

It all depends on whether you are a scrutinizer or a price buyer.

A scrutinizer thoroughly researches hotel choice by brand, and the survey showed that a majority of them say the brand they selected was perfect for them.

On the other hand, price buyers—folks who select a brand based solely on price—reported satisfaction from that brand.

Translation? This should come as no surprise. In the perception-based travel industry, you get what you pay for.

That’s why there’s an emphasis on the word perception.

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