Travel Tips

5 Endangered Tourist Attractions That Might Not Be Standing in 2014

Locations in this article:  Berlin, Germany Paris, France St. Louis, MO

We rarely think about landmarks disappearing until it’s too late, but by 2014 some historic heritage sites might not be standing. There are more than 60 sites on the 2014 World Monuments Watch List, which are listed as at risk due to issues of maintenance, funding or deterioration. Discover five of the most shocking endangered tourist attractions.

Great Synagogue of Lasi, Romania 


The Great Synagoue of Lasi is the oldest surviving Jewish prayer house in Romania and the oldest synagogue in Europe. It was founded in 1670. Today, it serves the Jewish community of Lasi and it has been recognized as a historical monument. According to The World Monument’s Fund, the site is endangered because it has gone through several natural disasters and has been the victim of political strife and religious intolerance. It 2008, a consolidation project of the synagogue was halted because of exposure to harmful elements. Currently, the synagogue is deteriorating and the structure is struggling with water infiltration and lack of maintenance.
