Travel News

Wi-Fi on Planes: International Wi-Fi & Improved Service

Right now, more than half of US carriers offer Wi-Fi on board. Wi-Fi service is growing, but the process is more complicated than you might expect.

For United Airlines to install Wi-Fi on one of its 747s is a 15-day process that removes a plane completely from revenue service and can cost more than $200,000. But as the Wi-Fi service grows, US airlines stand to earn $1.5 billion from Wi-Fi charges alone on planes.

The Wi-Fi offered on these United planes and from other airlines will be an new high-speed service that uses orbiting satellites as opposed to ground stations.  Due to the change, Wi-Fi will now be. available on overseas flights. Pricing will offer differ with tiered models that range in speed and duration with options from $3.99 to $22.99.

Watch as Peter explores  the complete process of installing and testing the new Wi-Fi services, including the use of potato product testers.

For more information on Wi-Fi check out: