Travel Tips

Travel Tip: Preventing Ski Accidents

With ski season at its peak, it’s tempting to hit the slopes. But if you’re a new skier, you definitely want to get familiar with some basic safety issues.

There’s a standard code of conduct across every mountain, and in every terrain. One of the main rules is that the people ahead of you have right of way—that means don’t obstruct trails, remain visible at all times, and yield to others when you start down the mountain or enter a new trail.

If you’re not sure of your skill level, take a lesson. You’re much better off spending a couple of hours with an expert than figuring it out on your own.

In both skiing and snowboarding, beginners suffer more injuries than intermediate or advanced participants. We’re talking mostly sprains and ligament tears, but head injuries and broken bones do happen.

That’s also why conditioning is a must. You want to strengthen your knees, and focus on stretching and flexibility. Endurance training will also help, since you’re more likely to get injured if you’re exhausted after a few runs.

And always wear some kind of eye protection—sun glare on the snow and ice can impair your vision, which is a recipe for disaster.

For more information, visit the Winter Sports archives.

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