Travel Tips

Be A Contributor: Part 4

Our contributor contest is drawing to a close. This is our last question open to the public, prior to next week’s finals. In order to be eligible to win, register your answers to this question as well as part one, two and three.

Last week, we shifted our contest away from where you’d like to travel to how you travel. When faced with a travel dilemma, you found ingenious ways to keep your trips on track. Here’s just a few examples:

  • DonDaft wrestled with the airlines to fly his daughter to West Point on time. He succeed and her nickname in the 2006 class was LaGuardia.
  • LindaConnellHadfield defied her fear of camping and even managed to shower!
  • Mary Feagely got six stitches on her head, stayed on the road and had her travel companion remove the stitches a week later.
  • JenniferBrooks outsmarted a chihuahua to get herself and her baby on the flight after being bumped.

Now know we know you can handle setbacks. Thinking on your feet is key but so is packing and preparation.

This Week’s Question:

Tell us what you pack on every trip. What the best gadget? The most useful piece of travel gear? What’s in your carry-on that you know you’ll need?

Share your answers in the comments below and check back next Thursday when we announce the finalists.