Travel Tips

Be A Peter Greenberg Contributor: Part 3

We’re back from the holidays and excited to see all the responses to part two of the contest. We challenged you to take the bucket list and go out of your comfort  zone and off the brochure. Boy, did you deliver:

  • Heather Tucker suggests you should to help Mexico break another world record like the largest Thriller Flash Mob or the World’s Largest Taco Cook-Off.
  • Kristin H. wants to go to New York to find the narrowest house in the city (hint: it’s in the West Village, right of Seventh Avenue South).
  • Pithypack  wants to take advantage of the “Strands” or Strandul, the large public paths and pools in Romania.
  • Sbartle wants you to schedule a private appointment with the Victoria and Albert Museum to view the original illustrations of Winnie the Pooh done by E.H. Shepard in the Print Room.

Knowing where to go is only the first part of being a good traveler. More important than where you travel is how you travel. A smart traveler understands the process and knows what to do–and who to call–when something goes wrong or how to make the experience better.

Over the next two weeks, we’ll be asking two travel process questions to announce your travel IQ. Answer them post, along with our part 1 and part 2 questions, and you could be in the finals on January 26.

This Week’s Question:

Tell us about a snag in your travel plans and how you were able to recover.

Share your answers in the comments below. Check back next week for another question.