Discovering Secret Restaurants & Underground Supper Clubs

Locations in this article:  Barcelona, Spain Chicago, IL San Francisco, CA

If you enjoy discovering offbeat culinary experiences, you may be interested in secret dining societies. We’re talking about underground supper clubs, and here’s how you can join the party…

An underground supper club usually involves a chef preparing gourmet meals for a group of diners…but the trick is you may not know where or when the next event may be happening.

A club called Clandestino in Chicago offers dinners in undisclosed locations, like an Italian feast inside an art studio.

Reservations are first-come, first-serve, and they prefer that diners attend solo so that the table is truly made up of strangers.

With San Francisco’s Subculture Dining, it’s a little trickier.

You have to be recommended by current members, and there’s a probation period.

But if you can swing an invitation, it’s worth trying out at least once—we’re talking intimate, gourmet dinners with the opportunity to talk to the chef about each course.

And it’s not just an American trend.

Underground supper clubs are also a big deal in Europe.

Check out one called Kokun in Barcelona, which involves weekly dinners hosted by a couple out of their own kitchen.

After all, sometimes the best way to get to know the locals is around a dinner table.

For more great ideas for culinary travel experiences, visit our Culinary Travel section.

Or learn more about these secret experiences with Culinary Travel: Discovering Secret Restaurants.

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