Protecting Yourself From Pickpockets

No matter where in the world you’re traveling, pickpocketing is a real concern. But there are ways you can protect yourself and avoid becoming a victim.

The bottom line is that pickpockets and con artists look for easy targets.

They often work in teams, and use innocent-looking people—even children—to take advantage of your good nature.

If the person in front of you drops something, remember this might be one of the oldest tricks in the book.

While you’re bending down to help them, the scammer’s partner picks your pocket from behind.

Don’t make it easy for them: Leave your Social Security card and any other non-essential documents at home.

Make photocopies or scans of your passport identification page, airline tickets, and credit cards.

When heading out for the day, only bring a limited amount of cash, one credit card and a copy of your passport—leave the real one at your hotel in a secure spot.

Never keep all your valuables together in one purse or backpack.

And avoid using a hip pouch, which is a sure sign that you’re a tourist.

Instead, opt for a flat money belt or passport holder that you can wear under your clothes.

For more travel tips, don’t miss the Travel Safety & Security section..

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