Travel Tips

Cheap and Free Travel Activities

Locations in this article:  Dallas, TX

Now, more than ever, travelers are budget conscious when it comes to our travels, but that doesn’t mean you should short-change yourself on experiences. The trick is finding experiences that are affordable, or in many cases, even free.

Between mid-June and early September, Aspen/Snowmass, Colorado has a free kids camp every weekday morning.

That includes guided nature walks, storytelling sessions and even digging for silver nuggets.

Or how about a family driving trip that’s packed with free activities?

For example the Web site breaks down activities in 13 different byways—including hiking trails, free museums, and even public tennis courts.

And don’t overlook public libraries just because they’re not in your home town.

The Central Library in Dallas, Texas, has one of the original copies of the Declaration of Independence on the 7th floor.

The point is, the resources are out there to find free and low-cost activities on the road.

For more hints, check out our Budget Travel section.

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