Dirty Laundry on the Road


What’s the one issue that nearly every traveler has to deal with? You guessed it – dirty laundry. Here’s how you can deal with it.

Your first option is to carry an extra bag with you that is specially designed to handle dirty laundry. Many specialty travel companies sell packable laundry bags to keep your dirty clothes separate from the clean ones.

Magellan’s for example, sells one for about $15 that comes with gel and charcoal inserts to absorb bacteria and get rid of those nasty odors.

Or you can simply pack your own laundry kit to go. Travel-size stain removers let you clean spots instead of the entire outfit. Wrinkle sprays may not clean your clothes, but at least they’ll look ironed. A few sheets of fabric softener stuffed inside your suitcase can keep your dirty clothes smelling clean.

One word of advice: if you do plan on washing your clothes on the go, stick with fast-drying materials like nylon and fleece. Cotton takes forever to dry. And what’s worse than spending a day in wet jeans? Can you say “mildew?”

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