European Car Delivery Program

Audi cruisingWith the economic crisis at hand, most people aren’t thinking about getting a new car.

But a fuel-efficient new car can be effective in reducing your monthly gas budget, especially if you can get a good deal on it.

And couldn’t we all use a great vacation right about now?

Well, what if you could do both at the same time?

Car companies such as Mercedes, BMW, Volvo, and Audi all have overseas purchasing programs which can save you about 7 to 9 percent of the MSRP (aka-the sticker price).

Not only do these programs often include free round-trip airfare to Europe and a hotel stay, but you may also receive free car insurance during your stay and a private tour of the vehicle factory.

Oh, and let’s not forget that Germany just happens to be the home of the speed-limit-free autobahn. If that doesn’t get car enthusiasts revved up, nothing will …

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