Travel Tips

Travel Emergency Kit

If you’re planning an international trip, especially to a destination that’s not a developed country, keeping a travel emergency kit can be a lifesaver.

The first item you should have in your emergency kit? Cash.

You don’t need much, but some ones and a twenty can be crucial in an emergency, like if the power goes out and ATMs shut down.

Pack a little bit of duct tape, i.e., a foot-long piece. If your luggage handle breaks, it’ll do the trick.

Also, some people bring along a rubber doorstop.

That way, you’ll have peace of mind that even if the locks on your hotel room doors don’t work, your doorstop will.

Bring a list of your prescription meds, along with their generic names.

And if you’re traveling with medicine, bring enough to last you for four extra days.

Take along a small portable radio. This will come in handy in times of disaster, as it works almost everywhere around the world.

For more information, check out our Luggage & Packing section.